WRC strives to be a voice and champion for the women’s sector. For women and girls to be safe and realise their full potential, it is paramount that we start by listening to their lived experience and ensure that policy and practice reflects their needs. Failing this would result in the maintenance and reproduction of an unequal society.

Women's needs are best met by specialist women's organisations. For the specialist women’s sector to be sustainable and resilient, in an increasingly difficult and challenging environment, support must be provided. This support can only be provided through an understanding of the situations in which they work. This is Women's Resource Centre's role and this is why we exist.

What difference does WRC make in terms of leadership and voice for the sector?

Through WRC’s leadership in collaboration, exemplified by e.g., our work on CEDAWthe WCSU project and the London VAWG Consortium, WRC has a bird’s-eye view of the current state of women’s equality. Through building capacity in the sector and by sharing information, creating networking opportunities and by campaigning and influencing decision-makers, the work that WRC does is imperative to ensure a thriving sector that can achieve the best outcomes for women. 

Leadership training

Building on the success of the Women’s Leadership for Social Change programme, Women’s Resource Centre has developed a series of training modules on feminist, social change leadership for women. These modules mix theory with practice and action learning elements and cover topics such as: feminism and leadership, the relationship between leadership and empowerment, organisational practices, unconscious bias, emotional intelligence, self-care, and project management. We have now completed a hugely successful pilot programme and hosted multiple one-off sessions with various agencies.

“A wonderful opportunity for diverse women to come together and work on a specific project, to find out and apply 'feminist' principles of leadership and to make a difference to their communities”

“The training was exceptionally executed and has improved my leadership skills tremendously. Social justice and women’s right is at the heart of my being due to WRC. I worked along some very fantastic women who had amazing stories which have given hope and resolve”

Find out more about the women’s leadership course here and check our calendar for any upcoming training here.

Read the blog by our Development Manager Evelina about the programme here.