Created by and for Black women, the Network for Black Women Leaders (NBWL) provides a unique and safe space for Black women to nurture their professional growth, connect with peers, and develop the leadership skills necessary to break through the systemic barriers they often face. With support from the Women’s Resource Centre (WRC), NBWL continues to challenge biases, celebrate Black cultural leadership, and foster a community where Black women can realise their full potential in leadership roles.

Why the Network for Black Women Leaders is Essential

Black women in the UK face persistent challenges in their professional lives, including racial and gender discrimination, underrepresentation in leadership roles, and limited access to mentoring and sponsorship opportunities. Research from Business in the Community (BITC) shows that just 1.5% of Black employees in the UK hold senior management roles in private sector organisations, despite being one of the fastest-growing demographics in the workforce. Additionally, a report from the Fawcett Society and the Runnymede Trust highlights that Black and minoritised women experience more significant barriers to career progression due to the intersection of race and gender.

These challenges are often compounded by the "double burden" of bias, which includes both racial and gender discrimination. The Race at Work 2021 report from BITC shows that Black women experience or witness the highest proportion of racist harassment from managers, colleagues, contractors, customers and clients. And many feel unsupported in reporting these incidents.

The Network for Black Women Leaders recognises the need for a dedicated space that not only supports Black women professionally but also provides them with the tools and community to advocate for themselves and others. The network was established to address the gaps that exist in career advancement and leadership development for Black women, giving them the support, guidance, and opportunities they need to thrive.

What Women’s Resource Centre Aims to Achieve Through the Network for Black Women Leaders

WRC is committed to advancing Women’s rights and empowering women from all walks of life. In supporting the Network for Black Women Leaders, the aim is to:

  1. Foster a Supportive Community:

NBWL offers Black women a safe, inclusive space to connect, share their experiences, and learn from one another. The Fawcett Society’s Broken Ladders report speaks of the feelings of isolation many Black women feel at work due to a lack of role models and support networks. By building this community, we aim to reduce that isolation and create an environment of mutual support.


  1. Build Leadership Capacity:

NBWL provides workshops, coaching, and mentoring to equip Black women with the practical tools needed to excel in leadership positions. Whether through networking strategies, negotiation skills, or project management training, NBWL focuses on building the essential skills Black women need to advance in their careers. The McGregor-Smith Review found that tackling barriers to Black leadership in the UK could add £24 billion to the economy annually.


  1. Provide Access to Mentorship and Sponsorship:

Mentorship and sponsorship are critical to professional success. The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) highlights in its discourse on Race Inclusion in the Workplace that Black and minoritised women are significantly under-mentored compared to their white counterparts. NBWL’s mentoring programme connects Black women with experienced professionals who can provide guidance and support. These relationships can be pivotal in helping women navigate their careers and achieve their leadership goals.


  1. Challenge Systemic Barriers:

NBWL not only supports individual growth but also seeks to dismantle the systemic inequalities that hinder Black women’s progress. The Race Disparity Audit found that Black women face greater obstacles to career progression due to discriminatory practices and unconscious bias. By addressing these issues head-on, NBWL empowers women to advocate for change in their workplaces.


  1. Amplify the Voices of Black Women:

NBWL is committed to amplifying the voices of Black women, ensuring that their experiences and perspectives are recognised and valued. We believe that when Black women are empowered, their leadership transforms communities and organisations. Leading consultancy firm, Boston Consulting Group reveals that organisations with more diverse leadership teams, including Black women, perform better and are more innovative.

What’s Next for NBWL?

As the network continues to grow, so does its impact. Through programmes such as the NBWL Coaching Programme, Feminist Leadership training, NBWL Mentoring as a mentor or a mentee and Bitesize Sessions, we are reaching more Black women and providing them with even greater opportunities for professional and personal development. Our goal is to continue expanding this platform, so every Black woman feels supported in her leadership journey and is equipped to challenge the status quo.

WRC firmly believes that the empowerment of Black women leaders will spark meaningful social change, not just within the workplace but in society as a whole. Through the ongoing support of NBWL, we are helping to build a future where Black women leaders thrive, breaking down barriers and inspiring others to do the same.

Join the Network for Black Women Leaders

Whether you’re an emerging leader, a seasoned professional, or simply passionate about supporting Black women in leadership, we invite you to join us and take advantage of our mentoring programmes, leadership training, and networking opportunities.

Get involved and learn more.


Jaiye Elias

Lead for the Network for Black Women Leaders

Head of E-Commerce Marketing and Communications at WRC

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